All membership, once accepted, will be placed on the IBF Australia website, allows all students to attend IBF Australia events, discounts from suppliers and a panel to assess for future grading which is Internationally recognised.
Membership is due on July the 1st of each year.
The IBF Judo department reserves the right to not accept an application or future renewals without reason. Be aware that to keep the integrity of the membership, applications will be scrutinised.
Please download the application form and fill it in once you have done this just scan or take a clear photo of the form and email it to ibfjudodepartment@gmail.com, and for all other inquiries contact us on email provided or go to the (contact us) tab.
IBF Oceania Judo Department Membership
Club Membership's : This gives the head club coach a personal recognition by the IBF Judo department. Plus you and your club members will all have the privileges to all the IBF Australia events , seminars, training programs and functions. This membership will also give you advertising on the IBF website promoting your club to a bigger and broader linked IBF International martial arts portal.
Grade's/Promotion's-Recognitions / RPL : The IBF will only accept grades that is approved by the IBF judo departments panel, evidence of certificates will need to be certified, this will support the investigation of the authentic documents provided to the IBF panel.
Please note: for pre-approval for this process you must be a member of an IBF Australia registered club or affiliation /organisation for up to 2 years as a prerequisite. However, this will not apply to those who have been approved with the discretion of the IBF judo departments panel.